A. V. Sysoeva To the Question of the Master Text of Fyodor Sologub’s Novel “Tvorimaya Legenda”

The novel by Fyodor Sologub was published in the period (1907-1915) when publishing regulations were being subjected to constant changes. During the two months following the Manifesto of October 17 the freedom of print was executed in an authorized fashion. The regulations signed on November 24 of 1905, March 18 and April 26 of 1906 limited the effective freedom while preliminary censorship was replaced with penal. More and more editions and editors were subjected to arrest, the courts imposed penalties and closed down publications. The greater part of the Russian Empire existed under the conditions of emergency or reinforced defense laws that gave local authorities considerable capacities including the right to press on the publishers administratively. In their turn the publishers fearing persecution on their own accord subjected manuscripts to censorship. As it was remarked in an 1906 article, «teper izdatel, esli by i khotel, za dengi ne naydet litsa, kotoroye vzyalo by na sebya protsenzurovat rukopis do eye napechataniya. Teper izdatel mozhet posovetovatsya tolko s advokatom i, sledovatelno, do nekotoroy stepeni ogradit sebya ot samykh krupnykh nepriyatnostey – goda ili dvukh tyurmy ili ssylki, no ot riska materialnogo ushcherba ni odin advokat garantirovat ego ne mozhet».